Sometimes you Lose or Win!

Sometimes you Lose or Win!

At this moment an expression of a profound feeling is made within a reflection, since life is full of decisions, decisions that are sometimes not in our hands and that lead us to situations that will make us laugh or cry.

But when our mind begins to understand that those situations that are not in our hands, that sometimes make us feel like we are losing, managing to see from another angle and changes its meaning. It is then that you understand that you do not lose, because just by learning to lose it is already a win, and that is the point of this reflection.

Reflection that continues by valuing that each day is a new opportunity to start over again.

I believe there are a lot more things that could be mentioned that one would not even consider calling them wins, such as being able to breathe. This small but great reflection arose from the fact that at some point in my time, I felt that I lost when a situation was out of my reach and had to say GOODBYE in a very PROFOUND MOMENT. This being an expression of a feeling that over time taught me to understand that changing the meaning of the situation, and being able to see that I didn't lose despite the fact that I felt I was, on the contrary, I gained a star in the sky.


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All lyrics and music composed, arranged, produced and performed by MorS.