Back in time

Back in time

When composing this song, I not only visualized something that brought up a Memory with someone who was in his profound moment, but I also imagined my time before crossing the black door, as I visualized this moment, I imagined giving myself this advice: that – from now on…!! Day by day I can start with the thought of Living each moment intensely.

Continuing with that thought "it hereby expresses going back in time with our mind" just in time to prepare for a possible release.

It's through our mind that we can take a trip which could provide us the memories and the sensations of experiences and moments that makes life worth living. Simple things like feeling a hug, the sensation of sand under your feet, the feeling of water slipping through your hands, laughing with people, and many other things that are really worth thinking and remembering.


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All lyrics and music composed, arranged, produced and performed by MorS.